This is a simple mix of Linseeds, Sunflower seeds and Almonds that is very popular in Australia.

Sprinkle this over salads, yogurt, porridge, add into smoothies and home bakes. It’s so versatile and an easy way to add omega 3, protein, minerals, vitamin E and fibre to all sorts of dishes.

Did you know that eating linseeds (flaxseeds) ground is the best way to eat them, our body can’t break them down so unless they are ground we can’t get any of the nutritious benefit.

6 tbsp linseeds (flaxseed)
4 tbsp sunflower seeds
2 tbsp whole almonds (skin on)

Using a food processor, coffee grinder or spice mill, pulse seeds and almonds together until finely ground.

Using a ratio of 3-2-1 of L-S-A you can make as much as you like, but bear in mind that once ground, seeds start to degrade. The LSA needs to be kept in an airtight container and stored in the fridge for a maximum of 2 months.