About Me

Health and wellness have always been important to me. I grew up in the countryside in the south west of Scotland running wild in the woods with my sister and where the mild climate and my green-fingered Dad meant we had a bountiful supply of home grown fruit and vegetables. Snacking on strawberries and raspberries we picked as we played and collecting an apple off the tree as we headed off to school.

After leaving home for university and existing on a diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and processed foods, my sensitive troublesome skin, ok let's just be honest here acne, became even more of a problem. When my own family came along I made a conscious decision to reconnect with the more natural lifestyle and fresh foods I’d enjoyed as a child.

Over the years and faced with varying health and skin concerns with both my children, husband and my ongoing acne, I found myself increasingly drawn to more natural and holistic practices to support and heal and so my journey towards nutrition and natural skin care began.

I believe in a natural approach to health and wellbeing, a holistic philosophy to support every aspect of our body. Rather than addressing symptoms, I prefer to look for the root cause or causes of those symptoms and address those for a whole(listic) health solution.

We are not individual parts working independently but a collective whole of physical body systems including circulatory, digestive, immune, endocrine, nervous and integumentary. When one aspect of health is out of balance it can have repercussions on many other areas. Therefore by treating the whole being and not one isolated aspect, optimal health can be a reality for us all.

When I'm not with clients or creating in the Lusan Apothecary, you'll find me in the kitchen, my favourite room in the house, cooking with the sun streaming through the window (hopefully) and me singing (usually Ella Fitzgerald, Madeleine Peyroux, Norah Jones or Minnie Riperton), out walking with our dog Florence on the local braes, reading (I've usually got 2 books on the go, one fiction for pure immersive pleasure and one non-fiction either skin, nutrition, health related or even cook books, I love reading cook books!). Or doing my yoga and pilates practice, which have kept me sane and (almost) back pain free for 23 years.