
Calendula officinalis

This easy growing plant has lush green foliage topped with bright golden sun like flowers, that can be up to 4cm in diameter. These delightful flowers track the course of the sun throughout the day, opening at sunrise and closing as soon as the sun sets. Originally from the Mediterranean region they are now distributed almost worldwide.

Calendula flowers, commonly known as marigolds, are one of the oldest herbal remedies, this bright orange flower has been prized for its medicinal, culinary, ornamental, and cosmetic properties for centuries. Its medicinal history dates all the way back to the 12th century, when it served as a relief for fevers, and stomach upsets, and as a topical healing treatment for wounds and infections. Today, the gold blossoms of calendula are a signature remedy for skin ailments such as eczema, acne, abrasions, and dermatitis.

Calendula’s long history is a testament to its potent healing powers, it has been used for centuries to promote wound healing and skin regeneration. It is often used in natural first aid creams and ointments to soothe and heal cuts, scrapes, and burns.

Modern scientific studies have confirmed its exceptional anti-inflammatory properties and effectiveness in helping to heal the skin. It has the ability to reduce redness and swelling and soothe sunburn, rashes and irritations making it particularly beneficial for people with sensitive or irritated skin.

With an abundance of antioxidant carotenoids, flavonoids and triterpenoid compounds, it is effective in reducing damage from free radicals, reducing hyperpigmentation and restoring barrier function, which can help to improve the skin's hydration levels and promote a more youthful appearance.

Certain triterpenoids appear to inhibit a variety of bacteria, making it a useful antimicrobial and antiseptic, effective at fighting acne-causing bacteria and other harmful microorganisms on the skin.

Our Calendula is certified organic, it never fails to make me smile when its rich colour brightens my apothecary studio. I use traditional methods of infusion to capture all the carotenoids, resins and flavonoids the resulting oil infusion is a gorgeous pale golden colour. These flowers also make it into the cleansing tisanes and masks I prepare in my treatment studio.