


Human use of honey can be traced back to some 8000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks and Romans all used honey for wound healing and digestive disorders. In records dating back 4000 years, honey was used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for bacterial infection, rheumatoid arthritis, gastrointestinal disorders and to heal wounds.


Bees produce honey by a combination of enzyme activity, plant matter, and live bacteria coming together to create a powerful substance that is a natural medicine. The unique process that creates honey makes it an especially valuable ingredient in skincare.

The natural enzymes present in honey make it a natural exfoliator, that gently releases the dead skin cells that have finished their life cycle. The antibacterial and antimicrobial properties of honey reduce infection while supporting the balance of your skin microbiota. Combined with its ability to speed up your skin cells' healing process it is a fantastic ingredient for supporting troubled skin such as acne and eczema conditions, reducing inflammation, fading scars and balancing skin tone.


Raw honey offers the most benefit to the skin (and our health in general). Raw honey has not been heated, pasteurised or processed in any way. This means it retains all of the beneficial nutrients and enzymes that would normally be lost during commercial processing that naturally contributes to its skin and health benefits.

Rich in antioxidant compounds including flavonoids and phenolic acid, raw honey helps to prevent damage from free radicals, supporting skin health and slowing premature ageing.  

Lusan honey is 100% raw, it comes to us from an apiary in Fife. Located in an apple orchard surrounded by wildflowers and woodlands. Whatever is in bloom the bees find it. In the early spring, the bees use the apple blossom, and through the summer they find blossoms on various trees such as Linden, Willow, Oak and Chestnut as well as clover, phacelia, and other wildflowers that grow in abundance around their home.