
Jasminium grandiflorum

This exotic plant is a fragile, evergreen climbing shrub that can grow up to 33 feet high. It has dark green leaves and small white or pale pink star shaped flowers famous for their scent. Jasmine is known as the "King of Oils” with its heavy, sweet scent.

An addiction to the evocative aroma of this flowering beauty might be explained by jasmine's notoriety as a mood enhancer. This exotic blossom stimulates the release of serotonin, which is also known as the "happy hormone." Its sweet exotic aroma is instantly uplifting and at the same time its deeply relaxing sedative and antispasmodic actions help to facilitate deep and restful slumber.


Along with being one of the most exquisite and celebrated scents in the world, jasmine is also particularly good for the skin. Naturally anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, it provides soothing, calming and moisturising benefits for those suffering from dry, sensitive skin or those with atopic skin disorders including eczema, dermatitis and even rosacea. Jasmine effectively soothes inflamed tissue while its natural toning properties improve skin’s elasticity. Additionally, its superior antiseptic properties support the healing process of wounds and scars.

The extraction of Jasmine essential oil is a notoriously difficult process with most extractions being ‘absolutes’ meaning a solvent is used. The Jasmine essential oil we use is extracted via a newly developed technique, worked on for many years by our supplier, it is their ’secret de maison’ and is pure enough to be certified organic.